
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Tuity Fruity - Top 10 Fruits

Ahhh the weather is starting to heat up over in here Austria, with temps hitting in the mid 90's all week!  At least the humidity isn't too bad like the folks in the Midwest or South know about. 

Luckily, right down the street from me is a little farmer's market where I can pick up some fresh grapes and strawberries to hit the spot on these hot days.  Nothing beats the heat quite like some fresh fruit, and wouldn't you know it, here we have a blogpost on all things fruit.  It's DESTINY!!!

We love to say that fruit is nature's candy.  It's true, most fruit are naturally sweet with natural sugars, but unlike candy they kick you in the butt with lot of fiber, antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals.  Here's a quick reminder on some of those big words.  Also be sure to check out last weeks Top 10 Vegetables for the Veggie addition

Phytonutrients - Natural nutrients in plant sources.  Phyto is Greek for plant, and these nutrients can help with many different health issues and help prevent diseases.  Some of the major phytonutrients for humans include - flavonoids, glucosinolates, resveratrol, caretonoids, ellagic acid, and phytoestrogens.  Overall the more phytonutrients a food has the better it is for us.

Antioxidants - Antioxidants help protect and repair damage done by free radicals.  Free radicals can cause damage to our body if they are not kept in check over time.  Antioxidants assist in reducing the natural damage done by free radicals.

It's tough to make a better nutritional choice than grab a handful of fruit.  Plus summer is prime season for most fruits, meaning they are extra fresh and less expensive.  ESPECIALLY at your local farmer's market, that's the hotspot for fresh and cheap fruits - little secret for you.  Ok let's take a look at some top choices of tuity fruity's

1. Berries - Aka Berrylicious

Blueberries - Now is the perfect time to take advantage of blueberries as summer is blueberry season!  Blueberries pack an incredible punch of antioxidants, in fact they have one of the highest antioxidants contents of any food you can eat.  It's no question blueberries are awesome for brain, heart, and cardiovascular health.  Blueberries may also enhance memory and fight the onset of Alzheimer's. 

   Tummy Time - Skip out on the store and see if there is an orchard near where you live.  It's a whole hell of a lot cheaper to pick them yourself, and it's a lot more fun.  Plus you can freeze blueberries and they won't lose any of their nutritional value.

Strawberries - Strawberries are the most consumed berry, and it's easy to see why.  First off, they are delicious; and second, they provide massive amounts of vitamin C (immune system booster), antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory's.  Plus strawberries provide good amounts of fiber and can help control blood sugar, so even though they are super sweet, they don't wreck havoc on your blood sugar.

   Tummy Time - Eat plain, or throw in a shake.  Strawberry shake...mmmmmmm!

Blackberries - Blackberries are a overlooked for their antioxidant levels when compared to other berries.  Blackberries can aid in preventing inflammation, can help prevent infection, and protect against cancers.  Blackberries, when eating regularly, can help strengthen your blood vessels which is key in sport performance and recovery from exercise.

   Tummy Time - Throw blackberries into a fruit salad

Raspberries - These little red, plump suckers aren't one of my favorites, but my mom loves them.  For those trying to maintain or lose weight, raspberries might become a good friend.  Recently they have been linked to reducing body fat through it's unique blend of phytonutrients.  Let's not also forget about the vitamin C, manganese, and fiber.

   Tummy Time - Toss some raspberries and some other berries in a bowl with greek yogurt and you got yourself an awesome little snack!

Cranberries - These tart guys may not be the most tasty, but they are great for cleansing your blood, urinary tract infections, and are packed with phytonutrients.  Cranberries are an awesome anti-inflammatory, assist heart health, and can help prevent cancer.

   Tummy Time - The tartness of cranberries can be a great addition to salads, shakes, and pies.

2. Pineapple - Aka Why is your mouth bleeding bro?  I ate too much pineapple

It's also a great time to get your pineapple fix, and we're getting into the back end of their main season.  This super sweet fruit will give you well over your daily's amount of vitamin C as well as a ton of manganese.  It's also a great post-workout food as it's help muscle repair and inflammation. 

   Tummy Time - Plain ole Jane

3. Grapes - Aka Non-alcoholic wine

Grapes are my favorite fruit, nothing beats a fresh, firm purple grape!  I'm in luck because grapes are incredible for antioxidants, anti-inflammatory's, and may increase longevity.  We don't stop there either because grapes are a super fruit!  They also fight cancer, are good for the brain, and help control blood sugar.  How?  It's unique combination of phytonutrients and antioxidants make grapes incredible for anybody.

   Tummy Time - Sorry to be boring but nothing beats grapes just plain, but also in with greek yogurt is a close second.

4. Cherries - Aka Why is there a seed in these?  Duh, nature's speed bump

The cherry is a must for any athlete's kitchen.  Cherries are a potent anti-inflammatory and aid in muscular recovery as well as anything you could do.  Cherries are a natural pain killer and they are high in melatonin, meaning they can aid in sleep.

   Tummy Time - Cherry season is among the shortest of all produce, and right now they're in.  So grab your cherries for the cheaper prices while you can.

5. Grapefruit - Aka Food with the most hassle to eat

This awesome breakfast fruit will kick start your day with tons of vitamin C, antioxidants, and may help on a weight-loss diet.  Grapefruit ranks among the highest fruits in terms of antioxidant levels and is especially high in lypocene, which is shown to fight cancer.

   Tummy Time - Half a grapefruit for breakfast and start your day off right

6. Avocado - Aka - Most confused food - Am I a fruit, vegetable, or alien


Avocado's are quickly becoming a staple in all health conscious people's kitchen, and for good reason.  Avocado's are high in fiber, carotenoids, healthy fats, and are a great anti-inflammatory.  Start adding in avocado's to your diet and receive the benefits to your heart, skin, and waistline.

   Tummy Time - Nothing beats fresh, homemade guacamole!  But adding in chunks of avocado to chicken salad is a close second.

7. Kiwi - Aka Tropical shiznit

These little buggers provide a big kick of Vitamin C, fiber, and are packed with antioxidants.  Kiwi are a great summer time snack and the more you eat of these the more benefits you will see in cardiovascular health, colon health, and control of your blood sugar.

   Tummy Time - Peel the skin with a knife and enjoy some delicious slices of kiwi!

8. Oranges - Aka Orange you glad your not a banana

Oranges are well known for their Vitamin C content and the immune system boost they provide.  But they are also a great source of phytonutrients and antioxidants.  Oranges have been linked with helping lower cholesterol, prevent ulcers, and support cardiovascular health.  Plus because oranges have a high water content, they are very refreshing, especially on hot summer days.

   Tummy Time - Peel and enjoy some oranges slices anytime you want.

9. Cantaloupe - Aka Muskmelon,

Cantaloupe pack a serious punch of Vitamins A and C.  One serving of cantaloupe provides over your daily recommended value of both of these Vitamins.  Cantaloupe is one of the most nutrient dense fruits and provides a good number of antioxidants and is a great anti-inflammatory.

   Tummy Time - Throw some slices in greek yogurt and you're good to go.

10. Papaya - Aka What the french is papaya?

If you think oranges supply a lot of Vitamin C, then you haven't heard of papaya.  These bad boys supply over 300% of the daily value in just one serving!  Papaya is a fantastic post workout choice as is helps aid muscle recovery and decreases inflammation from exercise. Papaya also aids in prostate health, digestive health, heart health, and can help remedy arthritis.

   Tummy Time - Throw some papaya slices into homemade salsa to get that sweet and spicy combination that rivals the great combination of Hall and Oates.



Fruit Juice - Most fruit juice's contain very small amounts of actual fruit, and high amounts of added sugar.  Stay away from regular fruit juice's!  If you can't live without fruit juice here are 3 options

   1. POM - POM is a pomegranate drink that is 100% juice.  Pomegranates are a nutritional power house, and POM is one of the few fruits drinks you should have.

   2. Naked Juice - Naked juice are drinks that are 100% vegetable and juice.  These are cool because on the side of the bottle it tells you exactly how many of each fruit and veggie are in it.  No sugar is added because there is no need, fruit and veggies have enough natural sugar and sweetness to them.

   3. Homemade - Have a juicer?  Then make your own fruit juices.  Don't have a juicer?  Then use a blender with some water and blend up some soft fruits together.  Delicious!

Dried Fruit - While dried fruit is a better option than other crappy snacks, just like fruit juice, most dried fruits are heavily saturated in added sugars when they don't need to be.  Help clean this up and buy unsweetened dried fruits to ensure you're just getting the fruit and no added sugar.

All right you fruit cakes, now you got the know who on this summer's fruits.  There isn't a better time to enjoy a bowl fresh, mouth watering fruits.

What's your favorite fruit?  Did we include on the list or did we miss it?  Leave us some feedback below!  And until next time Go Get 'Em!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Considerations for Training Youth Girls

In 1972, a major landmark legislation was passed that changed the U.S. in ways that are still being seen today. 

That legislation was Title IX

Title IX was a civil right legislation that banned the discrimination against women from competing in athletics among others.  It evened the playing field and forced colleges, high schools, middle schools, and park and rec departments to re-shape the number of opportunities they gave girls to participate in athletics.

The effect of Title IX has been tremendous and the first generations of girls who were introduced to Title IX are now becoming mothers and continuing to pass along and grow the number of girls participating in athletics. 

The benefits of young girls participating in sports is starting to show some impressive results. 

A 2007 study shows that playing high school sports increased a girl's chances of graduating college by 41%!  In addition, some other longitudinal studies have shown that Title IX and it's ability to give girls the opportunity to participate in sports also increases educational attainment by up to 20% and led to a 40% increase in employment. 

This is the power of sports, for both boys and girls. 

Nothing else can compare in terms of teaching and cementing qualities like teamwork, responsibility, commitment, communication, time management, and gives kids a network of social connections.

Don't forget the physical and fitness contributions that pave the way to a more healthy and active future.  Finally add in specifics for young girls such as being part of sports or a fitness program at a young age decreases chances of breast cancer, osteoporosis, and taking up smoking

With all those awesome benefits, it's clear that all youngsters, both girls and boys, should get involved in some sort of sport or fitness program. 

BUT there does need to be special considerations to be taken when working with youth girls.  Girls develop, are structured, and have different biomechanics than boys.  These considerations NEED to be taken in order to ensure safety, fun, and reduce risk of injuries.


This is a big problem seen in the female athlete population, at all ages.  Girls show higher rates, some as high as 4-6 times more injuries compared to males when compared to same sports - basketball, soccer, track and field, volleyball.  This is especially true in terms of knee injuries and specifically ACL injuries.

       A quick reminder, the ACL prevents hyper-extension of the knee, limits excessive forward movement of the tibia during knee flexion, and controls internal rotation of the tibia.  For more on the knee check out our Anatomy Lesson going into much further detail.

The majority of these injuries are non-contact, meaning they DO NOT occur from some outside mechanism, hit, or force. 

They result from either landing, cutting, and braking, and the forces exceed what the knee can handle.  The problem with non-contact injuries is the SHOULD NOT happen.  They result because of weakness/stability problems, imbalances, fatigue, and/or poor motor control.

Valgus Knee

Valgus knee collapse is when the knees buckle inwards, and females tend to exhibit more knee valgus than their male counterparts. 

This valgus position puts a lot of stress on the ACL as well as the medial aspects of the knee such as the MCL and meniscus.  It is not an optimal nor efficient position, and it's results for a variety of reason.

When the knee joint is in a neutral position, the ACL can withstand specific forces of 5.1 times body weight.  When the knee is in a valgus, the ACL can only withstand forces of 2.2 times body weight.

A valgus knee is over twice as weak and vulnerable than a neutral knee, it's obvious why a valgus knee in un-wanted.

For younger girls, it might just be a motor control problem, meaning they revert to it because it's easier for them. 

Sometimes just cueing and tell these young girls to not let her knees collapse will fix the problem.  Young people don't know the correct position or tracking of the knee so teaching them the correct position can make a big difference.  While this may work on some occasions, unfortunately it doesn't for the majority of the cases.

Hip Strength

We've talked about it before on here, but the knee is a dumb joint.  It tends to just follow the path set by the hips. 

So knee problems such as a valgus position is often the result of poor hip control.  Working to improve strength and control through the hip and pelvis will do wonders to protect the knee and give it a better path and patterning.

Improving strength in the hip and pelvic complex, especially the glute maximus and glute medius can go a long ways in improving the stability and control of the knee.

Going hand in hand with hip strength is overall general strength.  All young girls could use more strength and control through their hips, core, hamstrings (get there in a second), feet, and upper body. 

Getting young girls involved in an exercise program that increases their strength, body awareness, body control, and specific needs does wonders for girls. 


A great assessment for young girls is to watch them land.  Girls tend to land with reduced knee flexion and increased valgus position.  Just take a look at the picture above - ideally you want to see something like the picture on the left, NOT the right.

You already know the problems increased valgus position can cause, but landing with reduced knee flexion is also a big problem.

Knee flexion in basic terms = knee bend, so girls tend to land with less bend in their knees.  Landing without adequate knee flexion creates an abrupt stop and landing, and this puts greater amounts of stress on the whole body.  Good knee flexion allows the body to better absorb and disperse the forces of landing.

Think of this, the ground forces during a jump can exceed 4-5 times body weight

Landing with limited knee flexion increases these loads, while landing with in a more flexed position reduces and disperses these loads. In fact the most stress is put on the ACL when the near is near full extension (straight leg).  So landing with greater knee extension puts greater stress on the ACL and the whole knee.

Check out this article about Landing and Falling and watch this video.  Really important stuff in there.

Posterior Chain Strength

Females naturally tend to have an imbalance of quad-to-hamstring strength.  This imbalance can cause an increase in the amount of anterior pull/stress on the knee, that sounds familiar doesn't it.  Oh yeah, the ACL works to prevent excessive anterior forces and hyper-extension.

It has been shown that female athletes who injured their ACL have weaker hamstring strength when compared to, not only boys, but also other females who have not received an ACL injury. 

In fact the biggest difference between boys and girls is hamstring strength.  Boys and girls have similar quadriceps strength in terms of cross sectional area, but hamstring strength lags behind in girls.

Strengthening a girls hamstrings help to keep the knee pulled posteriorly and in a more neutral position.  Having a strong posterior chain also helps decelerate the body during landing and cutting actions, as we talked about this is key in preventing injury and enhancing sport performance.

As we learned the more neutral we can keep the knee, and any joint in that manner, the better it will function and the safer the athlete will be.  Check out our Top 5 Lower Body Posterior Chain Exercises.  


Girls develop a greater Q-Angle when compared to boys.  The Q-Angle is the angle of the femur (thigh bone) and the shin. 

Girls structurally develop wider hips, and this creates a greater inward angle of the femur.  As you can see from the picture, this naturally creates a valgus position as well as leading down the chain to excessive foot pronation. 

There is really nothing you can do about the natural structural differences, but as we talked about in previous sections, there are things you can do to decrease the effects of this structural difference.

Get To Work

Studies have shown that following a strength protocol, designed specifically at increasing hip - hamstring - core strength, decreasing valgus collapse, improving landing techniques, and targeting overall body control and balance GREATLY reduces a girls chance of getting and ACL injury, other knee injuries, and basically helps to "bullet-proof" their bodies. 

FIFA has made steps to improve the training of all youth athletes with it's Fifa 11+.  FIFA 11+ is a structured warm-up for youth soccer organizations to follow designed to reduce injuries, increase strength, and increase balance and coordination.

The FIFA 11+ has been shown to improve performance while simultaneously decreasing injuries.  When you take a peek at the specific exercises to increase hamstring strength, perfect landing mechanics, and improve total body strength and control, it's no question it's helping improve youth performance.

Lastly we need to understand girls need more strength and strength training will not morph girls into muscular men.  Adequate strength, body control, and awareness is what youth girls need.  These qualities are EXTREMELY important for performance, safety, and set girls up for success later in life. 

Can't say it enough, but GIRLS NEED STRENGTH!  Adding strength onto proper motor and movement patterns is imperative.  This doesn't mean that you need to put girls under heavy weights, because for most youth girls their body weight will do. 

Push-ups, pull-ups, squats, deadlifts, hip thrusts, bent over rows, glute/ham raises, etc are all great ways to add strength onto proper movement patterns and body positions.  So while aerobic work is OK to perform every once in a while, girls, and everybody for that manner, benefit much more from resistance training.

So to recap, if you're training or coaching youth girls, these qualities NEED to be focused on

   - Landing Mechanics - Exhibit proper body control and balance while not showing a valgus knee
   - Hamstring Strength - Adding in extra or specific exercises that target the hamstrings
   - Hip Strength - The hips control the knees.  Strong hips = strong and safe total body
   - Fun and Positive Environment - The goal is to create passion and love for sports and fitness.  Making sure you create a fun, positive, and encouraging environment will enhance development in the long-run.

Hope everybody has a great weekend, and for the folks in the U.S., have a great Father's Day.  So until next time, Go Get 'Em!


Like, Dislike, Agree, Disagree, WORLD CHANGING, or a big turd; whatever you feel, leave a comment below and let me know! 

And don't forget to sign-up for BBA Updates!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Muscle Sprouts and Company - Top 10 Veggies

You know what's great about summer?  Breaking out the speedo, wearing crocs? Fresh Vegetables!  Ok I doubt vegetables is on anybody's list for reasons why summer is so great, but I've gotten a couple of questions on some good veggie choices.  So I took the opportunity to list off MY top 10 vegetables.  These are not only based off nutrition value and health benefits, but also off taste and availability. 

Before we begin, let's first just give you 2 quick definitions so you have a brief understanding of some of the big words that will used.  So bear with us as we go through this boring stuff...

Phytonutrients - Natural nutrients in plant sources.  Phyto is Greek for plant, and these nutrients can help with many different health issues and help prevent diseases.  Some of the major phytonutrients for humans include - flavonoids, glucosinolates, resveratrol, caretonoids, ellagic acid, and phytoestrogens.  Overall the more phytonutrients a food has the better it is for us.

Antioxidants - Antioxidants help protect and repair damage done by free radicals.  Free radicals can cause damage to our body if they are not kept in check over time.  Antioxidants assist in reducing the natural damage done by free radicals.

While phytonutrients and antioxidants can be confusing and are pretty scientific, just know they provide awesome health benefits.  So enough waiting around, let's get to the good part.

1. Brussel Sprouts - Aka Muscle Sprouts

   Why - These suckers provide well over 100% of the daily recommendation of vitamin K and C, as well as providing a solid amount of manganese, folate, omega-3 fats, and sulfer (which give it brussel sprouts their unique flavor and smell).  Brussel sprouts are known for their cancer fighter properties by boosting the bodies detox, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory systems.  Brussel sprouts have a ton of  glucosinolates which greatly assist in these properites.  The high amounts of Vitamin K and omega-3 fatty acids also assist in brussel sprouts providing a mean punch of health benefits.

   Tummy Time - A favorite way to prepare muscle sprouts is to steam them and then coat them in butter and garlic.  My mouth is watering.

2. Kale - Aka Kale Yeah!

   Why - If you haven't boarded the kale train yet, then be prepared to get aboard.  Kale packs huge amounts of nutrients despite it being very low in calories.  It provides excellent amounts of Vitamin K, C, and A as well a manganese.  Kale helps to fight cancer, reduces inflammation, reduce cholesterol, and assist in cardiovascular health.  It does so by providing antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and glucosinolates. 

   Tummy Time -Throw kale into your salads, along with spinach to provide the base of leaves to your salad.  Just like spinach, kale can also be cooked and used as a side dish, thrown in eggs, or if you're adventurous in a protein shake.

3. Spinach - Aka Popeyes Potent Potion

   Why - While kale is starting to make a scene in the vegetable world, spinach was the first to make a big splash and for good reasons.  Spinach provides a laundry list of nutrients in high amounts - Vitamin K, A, C, folate, iron, magnesium, and calcium.  Like the previous two on the list, spinach also helps to fight cancer, inflammation, and free radicals.  It also help assist in bone health, skin health, and eye health. 

   Tummy Time - Throw spinach into your eggs, ground meats, and if you haven't started to use spinach instead of iceberg lettuce in salads WHAT ARE YOU WAITNG FOR!!!

Sweet Tator Fries

4. Sweet Potatoes - Aka Sweet Spuds

   Why - Oh sweet potatoes! I know we all love Idaho spuds, but these sweet spuds are slowly making a spot in the hearts of many, including mine.  Differentiated by their bright orange and sometimes purple flesh, sweet potatoes supply massive amounts of beta-cerotene, Vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants, and can help control blood sugar.  Sweet potatoes are so great for athletes because they provide rich, fulls starchy carbohydrates while not providing some of the blood sugar spikes, empty calories, and potential digestive problems.  This makes it a key food for everybody.

   Tummy Time -

   1. Sweet potato fries - many restaurants now include these as a side option, but they are easily made at home.  Cut the sweet potato into fry shapes, and then saute those bad boys up in coconut oil until they are soft.  Sprinkle some cinnamon and sea salt of them and prepare to become obsessed.
   2. Baked - Just like a baked potato, prepare the sweet potato the same.  While regular baked potatoes usually come with sour cream, cheese, and butter - baked sweet potatoes go great with cinnamon, olive oil, and peacans/walnuts.  Slighty better options than the ole Idaho spud.

5. Onions - Aka Are you crying bro?

  Why - Onions is one of the most widely used and diverse vegetable, but it's also very nutritious, making it pretty dang awesome.  Onions are a member of the Allium family which are rich in sulfur-containing compounds that are responsible for their pungent odors and for many of their health-promoting effects.  Onions are an outstanding source of polyphenols, flavonoids, and quercetin and these help provide the body wtih cardiovascular benefits, anti-inflammatory benefits, anti-fungal benefits, and can help fight cancer.

   Tummy Time - Onion advice = Put them in everything, what isn't better with onions?

Freaky Fun Tip - Many of the health benefits and flavonoids are concentrated in the outer layers of the flesh. So make sure to peel off as little as possible to ensure you get the maximum health benefits.  Also try chewing gum while cutting onions, it's an old wives tale to prevent your eyes from watering.

Onions, Green Bell Peppers, Broccoli, Tomatoes - Check

6. Asparagus - Aka Pungent Pee Producer

   Why - Asparagus provide a wide range of vitamins and minerals to work together to provide digestive support, heart health, and are great for blood sugar regulation.  Asparagus is slightly unique in the vegetable world in that supply a good amount of B vitamins.

   Tummy Time - Might be starting to sound like a broken record, but asparagus + butter/olive oil + garlic = explosion on the taste buds.

Freaky Fun Tip - Eat asparagus ASAP.  They spoil quickly, so saute those monsters up for dinner tonight!

7. Bell Peppers - Aka Ring my Bellllll, ring my bell! Yeah that's Donna Summers, my momma taught me well!

   Why - First off bell peppers come in many different colors, so they look awesome on a plate.  Known for the awesome amounts of vitamin C and vitamin A, but they also provide good amounts of B vitamins as well flavonoids and carotenoids.  As you know these substances help fight inflammation, protect against cancer, and attack free radicals.

   Tummy Time - Stuffed Peppers - well wouldn't you know BBA has an Good Eats on Stuffed Peppers!

8. Cauliflower - Aka White Broccoli

   Why - Often overshadowed by the other cruciferous vegetable - broccoli - cauliflower still packs a good nutritional punch.  High in vitamin C, K, and fiber; cauliflower helps to detox the body, reduce inflammation, and provide good antioxidants.

   Tummy Time - To be honest cauliflower isn't the most tasty vegetable for some.  But if cooked or saute'd and "hidden" with other foods like in a stir fry, they can be good.

9. Broccoli - Aka Broccoli

   Why - What the hell is broccoli?! - Arnold Schwarzenegger

Broccoli is probably the most well known vegetable in terms of it's health benefits.  Broccoli has good amounts of vitamin A, C, and K.  It can help lower cholesterol, reduce cancer risks, reduce inflammation, and help detox your body.   Broccoli provides a special combination of glucosinolate phytonutrients that assist providing those cancer fight, anti-inflammatory, and cardiovascular system benefits.

   Tummy Time - Anytime broccoli is cooked, it's fantastic.  In eggs, on pizza, in stir-fry, or in salad are all great ways to enjoy broccoli.

10. Tomatoes - Aka Fake blood in the movies

   Why - The phytonutrients tomatoes provide are off the chart!  It's no question tomatoes have been shown to greatly reduce risk of cancer.  Tomatoes also provide bone support and cardiovascular support through it's unique blend of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.  Not only that but tomatoes are super versatile, and can be used in everything from sauces, ketchup, salsa, chili, and eaten just plain.  Of course it's better to make all of those varieties at home :)

   Tummy Time - Ahh the potential is endless, but I'm gonna suggest that you try making a homemade pasta sauce.  Oooh weeee homemade tomatoe sauce, slow roasted with basil, oregano, thyme, garlic, and ground beef! Sorry Ragu and Prego, but your weak sauce - pun intended!

Now let's just clear up 1 thing before we conclude this piece.  You might not like what you hear, but you need to know the truth, even if you CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH. 

Corn is NOT a Vegetable - Corn is a grain, plain and simple.  If you think loading your dinner plate up with corn is getting you ample servings of veggies, you're wrong.  Corn is a starchy grain, and to be honest is pretty empty in terms of nutritional value.  NOW, I love a good piece of corn on the cob as the next and having that every once in a while won't hurt, but stop thinking by adding corn to a meal makes it healthy.  It doesn't! 

Alright folks now get out and give these fantastic veggies a whirl.  Feel free to comment on some of your favorite vegetables or recipes.  Also be sure to sign-up for BBA updates!  And go to FB, like our page and connect with us. 

So until next time, Go Get 'Em!