
Monday, June 6, 2016

Random Thoughts

I keep a journal of notes in my phone, by my bedside, and in a word document on my computer.  Here's where I'll dump all of those ideas into an incoherent lists of things floating around my head.

  • Science confirms, good ideas happen when you are mentally switched off. Taking a vacation, taking time off, sleep, and procrastinating can help in solving complex problems
  • Everybody should be taking naps, I think schools should even promote 30-minutes to a midday nap.  The research is clear on this topic as well, if you want to live longer, be more creative, receive a burst of energy/focus, improve performance - then NAP!
  • Add stress or other cognitive function during decision making to enhance sporting performance: Like performing math equations, memorizing colors/patterns, watching something, listening to something, or any kind of mental processing while performing a task may enhance motor learning.
  • 1000 good reps cannot undo the work of 100 bad reps.  Start doing things correctly, don't wait for breakdown
  • S&C coaches need to voice input and feedback of basic physiological truths to sport coaches when it comes to practice, structuring, intensities, and nervous system optimization.  For example, a normal football practice week should really look like the top chart - and not the bottom chart, which is the traditional method in the football world

  • All athletes seek autonomy, competence and connection.  Does your program provide these things?
    • Autonomy is the need to be free to choose your own goals and do things because you like doing them for their own sake. Autonomy is the freedom to set your own goals, choose your own path and not feel pressured by other people or outside forces.
    • Competence is being good at what you’re doing and feeling confident in your abilities to perform the task at hand. We all want to feel like we are learning, increasing our skill and growing. This basic need for competence and pursuit of mastery drives us, and makes us feel good when we achieve a difficult goal.
    • Connection is the desire to bond with and relate to other people. Goals that have you interacting with others, giving and receiving help from others and nurturing relationships are going to fill your innate need for connection.
  • Some of the most important things we can do as coaches and parents is let kids figure things out on their own.  This means if there is a dispute in grades, or playing time, or social aspects - the kid should figure them out - don't step in and try to solve the problem - this isn't benefitting anyone
  • Nutrition is emotional.  The more I think and work on nutritional things, the more I see a need to address emotional ties to eating habits and decisions - not just plain x's and o's of nutrient breakdowns
  • It's combine season for many of our HS athletes, so we thought we'd throw together a video on the most important part of the 40-yard dash - the stance and start

  • Athlete training needs to be individualized - especially the higher the level of the athlete.  Think about this - if you give a group of 10 athletes the same program - why do 3 get a ton better, 4 get a little bit better, and 3 see no change?   
    • Many fast-twitched athletes (think corvettes) need much LESS work, while less genetically gifted (think pintos) may thrive on more work
  • Check out this FREE Human Behavioral Biology Course from Stanford Professor Robert Sapolsky.  Seriously this is a FREE course from Stanford University - ARE YOU KIDDING ME!

  • Sometimes we need to step back and let athletes and the human body do what it wants to do.  Often times coaches step in and make corrections on things that don't look correct.  For example, the false step - often times coaches try to rid athletes of this movement, but in actuality it's the bodies natural response more effective than not using one.  We aren't smarter than the human body.
  • When programming for your athletes - do you take into account what style of play their team is?  If I'm training a football player that plays in a "spread offense" with a play every 20-seconds, this is much different than a player in a "pro style" offense where they may use the whole play clock.  This not only changes the energy system demands of the athlete, but also the total volume and in some cases the intensity of work done by the athletes.  The same could be said for other team sports like basketball, soccer, football, lacrosse, rugby, hockey.  So do your homework, talk to the athlete, call the coach, watch a game and find out what style of play the team emphasizes. 

Go Get 'Em!

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