
Friday, February 22, 2013

Free...Free Falling

It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get back up”

If you fall seven times, get back up eight”

Or from the ever wise, mini Buddha esque, Chumbawamba

I get knocked down, but I get up again, you’re never gonna keep me down!”

Oh the 90’s, what a great time to grow up, but back to my point…

We continually hear about how falling is not important, but rather making sure you get back up. But I’m here to flip the switch and stress the importance of falling.

First let’s clarify; this isn’t about failure or defeat like these quotes underline, but rather what this article is about learning to fall and land properly.

Why Would I Need to Learn to Fall?

Why should you practice falling or landing? Well why do we crawl before we walk, and walk before we run? Because it is a safe and natural progression to teach our bodies to learn our limits and give us feedback on many athletic qualities.  Also learning to fall will help when you see Rachel McAdams at the bar, and don't tear your ACL when you fall head over heels.

Oh Rachel, you don't have to be
thinking of me all day

Watch little kids on a playground and you’ll see them jumping off different objects, testing the limits of how high they can land and fall from. It is a form of learning the stresses our body can handle safely, and gives our CNS a tool for reference.

While I don’t have an exact number, I would be willing to bet that over half of athletic injuries occur during landing after a jump, trying to break a fall, or stops and/or changes of directions.

What do all of these have in common?

They are types of landing, falling, decelerating movements. Athletes don’t get taught how to land, stop, fall, or tumble. We get caught up in developing vertical leaps, sprinting speed, power, and strength; but often lose sight of the importance of learning stop or decelerate these movements.

Recently Dan John wrote a great article, here, on T-Nation , and in it he stated,

28,000 Americans in the 50+ age range die yearly from fall related injuries.”

Are you kidding me, 28,000! If this doesn’t give a case for learning to fall and land, then I don’t know what does.

So I’m going to break down the remaining parts of the article into two parts, landing (on your feet), and falling to the ground (tumbling).


We often see athletes jumping onto 60” boxes, doing crazy dunks, or exhibiting other great feats of athleticism, and we say, “I want to do that”. So what does somebody do? They start doing intense plyometrics, jumping on and off high ass boxes, and try to copy these athletic movements.

What we tend to forget is how these athletes got to where they are. We need to take a step back, and learn the basics of landing before we try these jumping feats.

Athletes need to learn they can only produce as much force, as they can safely absorb.

Dynamic movements like jumping, sprinting, bounding, etc involve our body taking in high amounts of eccentric forces and then returning concentric forces back out. The amount of force we return back out, depends on how effectively and safely we take force in.

Our body is not dumb, and it is not going to allow us to jump 30 inches high if we can not safely land from 30 inches. Whether you leans towards, or away, from the whole ancestral thing, our body does not want to put itself in a situation where it might be injured.

So whether our paleo past is still very present in our brain and nervous system, where injury meant being an easy meal for a saber tooth, or whether you believe we are different - evolved beings, it does not matter,

Injury = Bad!

Our body is going to do whatever it takes to prevent injury. It has a whole mess of protective mechanisms and it knows what its limits are. So thinking you can go jump 40 inches is not going to happen if your body hasn’t learned that it can safely land from that high.

So for athletic performance, learning to land is very important. Altitude landings, depth drops, and box landings have been around a long time in terms of athletic development. It is nothing new to train with those methods to elicit high eccentric and braking forces, in attempts to develop higher power and speed outputs.

Adding in landing drills to a regular progression in the weight room will enhance an athlete’s eccentric strength, proprioception, education of dealing with high forces, and develop proper body positioning and mechanics.

More than increasing athletic potential, learning to land has very high injury prevention benefits. Landing drills have made a big push into ACL prevention programs, as many ACL injuries occur from landing and stopping actions.

Stepping off a box and landing correctly is a key quality we need our athletes to exhibit. If an athlete cannot land without knee valgus, proper foot – knee – hip tracking, or a smooth, efficient, and quiet landing, then that athlete is lacking in certain qualities. Jumping right into an intensive program will put this person in harms way, and will be promoting dysfunctional movement patterns.

It is important to make sure athletes can land in various situations – double leg, single leg, lateral, and backwards. These are all movements that will be stressed in sports, and learning how to absorb forces at these angles is extremely important.

Here is a whole series of landing exercise progressions that will develop proper landing mechanics, positioning, and eccentric loading.

The goal with each of these exercises is to stick the landing quick and quietly. That is a main coaching cue for us, but of course we are looking for other signs during the landing.

Do the knees track over the foot or do they track inside (knee valgus). Are the athletes able to stick the landing, or are they adding in extra little hops, or shifts in body weight. If so, the height or distance may be too much for them to handle.

Are they initiating the landing with the balls/forefoot, or is their heel slamming into the ground. Again this is a sign that the eccentric force is too much for the athlete.

Finally we want the athlete to absorb the force quickly. This means we want them to stick the landing as fast as they can. We want them to stabilize and control the landing ASAP! The more time, bending, or movement it takes to land means the athlete is losing eccentric forces through this extra movement or time. Again this is preparing the athlete for the extremely high demands and short contact times of plyometrics and athletic movements.


Piggy backing everything discussed in learning to land, is learning how to fall. Learning to fall or training this skill, in my book, is essentially tumbling. Somersaults, reverse somersaults, shoulder rolls, reverse shoulder rolls, handstands, and side rolls.

I know what you’re thinking; you won’t catch me dead doing those girly things. I’m gonna get my ass back in the squat rack!

Well if you play in any team sport or coach team sports, then you should definitely reconsider.

How does tumbling help in team sports?

It put athletes in a position of falling, and teaches the body how to contort, twist, and position itself when faced with similar situations during a game. In sports like football, basketball, volleyball, soccer, and rugby, athletes face many instances where they are falling or being taken to the ground, and not knowing how to deal with the situations leads to injury.

Tumbling is an easy and safe way to learn the skills of falling. These tumbling drills involve a great deal of mobility, stability, spatial awareness, body coordination, timing, and rhythm. These are all very valuable qualities that will help athletes, not only fall safely, but will also carryover to other aspects of athletics.

Going back to Dan John (can’t reference him enough!), tumbling is also a great way to build “armor”.

He’s talked about how athletes, during the off-season tend to get “soft” and un-prepared for the poundings a sport will put on them.

These ground collisions during tumbling mimic body contact, collisions, and the physical tolls an athlete takes during games. It is a great way to “toughen” up and prepare the athletes body for competition.

Despite it being comical to watch some athletes try these drills, it really isn’t all that funny that we have athletes that cannot perform simple, basic exercises that 4 and 5 year olds can do with ease.

As a coach, you will quickly see that your best athletes are the best at these tumbling moves. I have observed that the best athletes I work with tumble with the greatest grace, control, efficiency, and are overall quiet and light during these movements.

Finally I like tumbling movements because not only do they teach my athletes how to safely fall and land, but also how to get back up! Like the quotes at the beginning of this article, it is essential for athletes to get back onto their feet after being on the ground.

You hear it all the time during games

Get Up!”

Stay on Your Feet!”

Whether it’s a linebacker being cut blocked, a volleyball player going down to dig a kill, or a basketball player getting knocked down going to the rim. These athletes need to get back up and get back involved in the play. You see it all the time, an athlete is slow to get up, and his or her team ends up paying the consequences.

So we get the best of both worlds, we learn skills to stay on our feet, but if we do happen to go to the ground, we learn how to do so safely and then how to transition back onto our feet.

These are essential athletic skills that are typically overlooked. Great benefits will be had to youth, high school, college, and elite athletes, but also the regular, everyday person. It will help tremendously in athletics, but also as people age, how not to become part of that staggering 28,000 statistic.

In the video below is a series of the different tumbling drills you can use with your athletes. I highly recommend using a nice big gymnastic type mat (much bigger than the one in the video) or using grass, turf, or a gymnastics surface for these drills.

Look for proper movement and sequencing from the athletes. The movements should be efficient, smooth, and quiet. Loud thuds mean the athlete is not moving through the landings efficiency and lack in stability, mobility, and body control.

Finally look for smooth transitions back to their feet. Like we touched on, this is also a drill to develop getting back on ones feet. Cue each tumbling movement to be smooth, quiet, and to get back on their feet as quick as possible.

Ground Floor

If you coach young athletes, these skills and drills really do need to be in your program. They are essential for proper development and skills that will benefit them later on. When coaching youth athletes, I like drills that don’t require much equipment, and teach valuable qualities/skills naturally, without the athlete having to think much. These drill kill many birds with one stone, and are fun and challenging.

If you coach high school to elite athletes, I still feel that these skills would bear some great benefits. They might seem silly or weird, but get over it, they work. A couple drills during a warm-up or finisher are more than enough to progress in this area.

So feel free to take some advice from the great Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers and start working on,

Free, Free Falling!”

And as always Go Get 'Em!

Like, Dislike, Agree, Disagree, WORLD CHANGING, or a big turd; whatever you feel, leave a comment below and let me know!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

NFL Combine: Inside the Numbers - Wrap-Up

We've reached the final step in this fantastic NFL Combine journey.  With the Combine coming up this week, it's only fitting to have a little recap of what we've seen so far. 

If you've missed any of the previous posts, check them out

NFL Combine: Inside the Number - Intro
NFL Combine: Inside the Number - Skills
NFL Combine: Inside the Number - Power
NFL Combine: Inside the Number - Bigs

1.  Horizontal Jumping (Broad Jump) scores may be a better indicator of Acceleration and Sprinting abilities than the Vertical Jump. 

This isn't the first time that horizontal jumps have been a better indicator of running speed over vertical jumps.  Here are some studies that suggest horizontal jumping scores better correlate with sprinting speed

here, here, here, here

A reason for this may be that the 40 yard dash is a test of acceleration more than top-end speed.  Recent studies have been finding that horizontal forces are key during the acceleration phase of sprinting.  The broad jump by it's very nature is a horizontal jump, that requires great horizontal forces and angles.  So the broad jump might be a better indicator for acceleration potential in athletes than the common held belief of the vertical jump.  The vertical jump still has a positive correlation with 40 times, but the horizontal jump may correlate stronger.

Now don't be in a hurry and rush out to start training your broad jump, as there are some precautions to take.  The landings in the broad jump are generally more stressful on joints, require greater ranges of motion, and have different, often higher braking forces than the vertical jump.  Think about jumping into sand and landing in an athletic position instead of striving for extra inches on your landing.  Really reaching for a far landing is similar to reaching for a high box jump.  You are putting yourself in a potentially dangerous position.

2.  Lower Body Weights may lead to faster running speeds

At every position, lower body weights correlated with faster 40 times.  As track coaches have been known to say, "Fat don't fly"! 

Whenever you start to move up in body weights, it becomes harder and harder for that extra weight to be "good" weight.  You may think it's all muscle, but more than likely a good percentage of that is fat.

Depending on your genetics and overal build, your optimal body weight will vary.  But as a general rule, you should shoot for 9-11% BF if your a male and 14-16% BF if your a female.  If you're in these ranges, that you are pretty dang fit and more than likely at a good body weight for your frame.  Check out these studies for more info on how excess BF can effect performance

Here, here, here, here
3.  Faster sprinting speeds correlate to faster C.O.D drills

Despite many claims over the years that change of direction (COD) and sprinting are two separate skills that do not correlate or effect the other, I beg to differ.  From all my observations, from this data and from other studies, here, here, there seems to be a pretty good correlation.

Think about it, if you can accelerate and sprint faster, then you're gonna have higher potential for COD skills.  Does speed mean you'll have better force absoption and eccentric abilites?  Not necessarily, but it does mean you'll be bring more speed into breaks and be able to accelere out of breaks faster, which means more times than not you have the advantage over a slower competitor. 

You also have to remember that the COD of direction drills at the Combine are specific and planned.  There is no reaction involved as there would be in a real game.  This greatly enhances the success for faster guys, over guys with great eccentric/absorbing/reaction qualities as it is a closed drill, not an open drill.

4.  Is the Combine a Good Predictor of Draft Status?

That is the Million Dollar question.  Obviously NFL teams hang there hat on the Combine, and use it to help determine their decisions.  While many question the validity of the Combine to actual playing ability, the fact is higher performance at the combine is associated with higher draft position. 

You see it every year.  A guy has a bust out Combine, and jumps from a 4-6 rounder, to the 1st or 2nd round.  This shows just how influential the Combine can be for a player.  Take a look at the following information from this study that looked at Drafted vs. Undrafted players testing from the Combine


Height Weight 40 Bench Vertical Broad Pro Ag. L-Drill
Drafted 5'11.6 201.67 4.49 16.53 36.8 10' 4.08 7.02
Undrafted 5'11.8 203.74 4.59 17.07 35.24 9'10.4 4.21 7.22


Height Weight 40 Bench Vertical Broad Pro Ag. L-Drill
Drafted 6'2.8 251.3 4.74 23.5 34.24 9'7.7 4.24 7.26
Undrafted 6'2.9 255.95 4.83 22.8 33.14 9'5.35 4.31 7.42


Height Weight 40 Bench Vertical Broad Pro Ag. L-Drill
Drafted 6'4.5 313.3 5.21 26.46 29.53 8'7 4.61 7.78
Undrafted 6'4.13 208 5.31 23.1 29.05 8'7 4.71 7.93

As you can see in just about every category the Undrafted players under performed compared to the Drafted players.  The numbers in bolds and italics show significant differences between Un-Drafted and Drafted.  Now this may be as simple as, these players test better and are drafted because they are better players. 

This could very well be the case in some of these, but there have been several studies that suggest the Combine results do not predict success in the NFL all that well.  Drafted QB's score on average over 2 points higher on the Wonderlic, depsite various studies showing the Wonderlic does not correlate to potential playing success.  Check these studies out for yourself

Here, here, here, here 

5.  Not everybody is running 4.3x, jumping 40 inches, benching 225 for 30+ reps, so GET OVER IT!

A very small percentage of athletes can actually do these things.  So 1. Don't get discourage because you can't do these things and 2. Don't lie and say you can to puff your chest.  Be a man and tell the truth, that you run a 4.70 (very respectable)

6.  Benching for reps may be an indicator of potential running speed.

This is a really interesting correlation.  Does this mean that being able to bench a lot directly correlates with running speeds?  No, of course not.  It probably just means that being able to bench a lot is an indication of high relative strength, good body composition, good overall body strength, and a good indicator of power endurance.  All things that are good indicators of running fast as well. 

So don't think that just focusing on the bench will directly make you faster!  It's probably the other way around.  Training for power, speed, explosiveness, and being an overall athlete indirectly increases your bench press.

Here are 2 studies finding similar correlations between bench (UB strength) and sprinting abilities

Here, here

7.  These guys are tall, big, fast, powerful, and damn good athletes

No matter if the NFL Combine is just a big show and has no barring on whether it relates to actual ability, it doesn't matter.  These guys are some of the best athletes on the planet, and you have to be amazed at their physical abilities.


So now that you know a little bit about the NFL Combine and how all these things relate, don't relate, etc.  You can kick back and watch with a closer eye.  They might show the guy running 4.3x, benching 225 for 40+ reps, or vertical jumping 40+ inches every chance they get, but look at all the other guys.  And be on the look our for some of the correlations I just told you about.  Do they hold up? 

Also, be sure to sign-up for BBA updates. Just enter your email on the home page to stay up to day with all the happenings at BBA! 

Until next time, Go Get 'Em!

Like, Dislike, Agree, Disagree, WORLD CHANGING, or a big turd; whatever you feel, leave a comment below and let me know!

Friday, February 15, 2013

NFL Combine - Inside the Numbers - Bigs

We've almost there, almost to Mt. Doom, this is the 2nd to last last step in our journey of Inside the NFL Combine!  If you missed any of the previous articles check them out

Inside the Numbers - Intro
Skills Group
Power Group

It's time to show the big boys love because you know what they say, the game is won in the trenches.
The Bigs include the Offensive and Defensive Lines.  I've separated the Defensive Ends from the Defensive Tackles and Offensive Line just because they tend to be a whole different best than the others.  So in hopes to not distort some of the info, I've made separate charts for those maniacs!

Defensive Tackles and Offensive Line

                              Weight vs. 40 Times

Under 280280-299300-319320+

                               Height vs. 40 Times

6'2 & Under6'3-6'46'5-6'66'7+

                                               Broad Jump vs. 40 Times

Under 7'67'6-7'118'0-8'58'6-8'119'0-9'69'7-9'11

                                                Vertical Jump vs. 40 Time
23 and under24-2627-2930-3233-3536+

                                                  Pro Agility vs 40 Time
4.25 and less4.26-4.494.50-4.744.75-4.995.0-5.245.25+

                                                    L-Drill vs. 40 Time
7.25 and less7.26-7.497.50-7.747.75-7.998.0-8.248.25+

                                                  Bench Reps vs. 40 Time
Under 2021-2425-2829-3233-3637+

  • 864 data points were used
  • Only 42 Benched 225 for 35+ reps
  • 75 Benched 225 for less than 20 reps
  • 3 ran under a 5.0 forty
  • Only 1 person Broad Jumped 10 feet
  • 6 Vertical Jumped 36 inches or higher

Defensive Ends

                                          Weight vs. 40 Time

250 & Under251-265266-280281-295296+
                                       Height vs. 40 Time

6'1 & Under6'2-6'36'4-6'56'6+
                                          Broad Jump vs. 40 Time

                              Vertical Jump vs. 40 Time

                                      Pro Agility vs. 40 Time

Under 4.104.10-4.294.30-4.494.50-4.694.7+
                                        L-Drill vs. 40 Time

Under 7.07.0-7.197.20-7.397.40-7.597.6+
                                              Bench Reps vs. 40 Time


  • 284 data points were used
  • Only 51 DE's ran a 5.0 or slower
  • 7 ran under a 4.60
  • 28 Benched 225 - 30 times or more; Only 1 Benched 225 - over 40 times
  • 47 Jumped over 35"; 7 Jumped over 40"
  • 47 Jumped over 10'


Weight is correlated with 40 Times.  It's hard to put on clean weight, and the heavier you get the more likely your BF% will be higher, thus slower times.

Again the Broad Jump has a stronger correlation to 40 Times than Vertical Jump.  They both have a positive correlation to 40 Times, and this information can be of great use to coaches. 

Forty-nine total guys in the Bigs category bench 225 for 35 or more reps.  With over 1,100 total data points, this means only around 4% of Bigs bench for 35+ reps.  Yet again we get this thought that if you're an interior player, you need to be putting up around 40 reps.  In fact more than double the guys have benched under 20 reps than 35 or more (119 vs. 49). 

I think the DE's are the most impressive position.  Only 51 guys ran a 5.0 or slower, and 21 of those 51 ran between 5.0-5.02!  This means just a tiny little tweak and they are under 5.0!  It's almost a prerequisite to run under a 5.0 for a DE, and even though a 5.0 forty gets the preception of being slow, in actuality that's moving!  Picture a 270lb DE running a 4.80-5.0 forty chasing after you, that's a damn scary thought! 

Both agility drills correlated very strongly with 40 times.  As agility times go down, so do the 40 times.  To have a good agility score, you must be able to accelerate and sprint fast.  No matter how good or clean you are in and out of your breaks, if you bring no speed in and out of them, it doesn't matter.   

The number of Bench Press reps again has a correlation with 40 times.  As we touched on before, this is probably more a result of indirect correlation than direct correlation.  Meaning if you're benching a lot of reps this doesn't help you run fast.  If you're benching for a lot of reps, more than likely you have good body composition (low BF%), good overall strength and power, and are in good physical condition.


Be sure the be on the look out for the final installment of NFL Combine: Inside the Numbers.  I'll give you some final thoughts on everything, cite some studies that have broken down the combine, and give some food for thought on the training implications of this info.  So until then Go Get 'Em!

Like, Dislike, Agree, Disagree, WORLD CHANGING, or a big turd; whatever you feel, leave a comment below and let me know!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

NFL Combine - Inside the Numbers - Power

This is the 3rd installment of NFL Combine - Inside the Numbers, if you missed the first two check them out here, Inside the Numbers - Intro and Skills Group

This instillation covers the Power group.  The Power group consists of the Running Backs, Linebackers, and Tight Ends.  These guys are called the Power group because they tend to be a hybrid between the Skills and the Bigs.  They dip their toes in both worlds and because many called the Skill group - Speed, and the Bigs group - Strength, they get the resultant - Power.

So let's take a quick look at the Power group.

Overall Info Based Off 40 Time

40VertBroadPro AgilityL-DrillBenchHeightWeight

  Broad Jump vs. 40 Time

9'79'89'99'109'1110' 10'110'210'3


Vertical Jump vs 40 Time

Bench vs 40 Time

Bench Reps<1010-1213-1516-1819-2122-2425-2728-3031+
40 Time4.744.734.714.674.74.694.684.654.67

Some Facts
  • 891 data points were used
  • Only 34 guys in this Power group have benched for 30+ reps
  • 6 have benched <10 reps
  • Only 21 guys in this Power group have run sub 4.40 at the NFL Combine
  • 31 have run 5.0+
  • 44 guys in this Power group have jumped 40+ inches
  • 80 have jump under 30 inches
  • 625 jumped less than 10 feet
  • 110 jumped over 10 feet


Again, just like in the Skills group, the Broad Jump correlates with 40 times better than vertical jump (even if only by a small margin).

The number of Bench reps performed positively correlate with 40 times, although the difference is very small (<10 reps =  4.74 / 31+ reps = 4.67).  This really means that there is a great variance in every category, with guys running both slow and fast with good and poor benches.  What this really signifies is the athletes with higher benches probably have more relative strength than those with low benches.  It's like if someone can perform a lot of pull-ups they can probably run fast.  Not because pull-ups directly effects speed, but because being able to perform a lot of pull-ups means you probably have lower body fat levels and great relative strength.

Despite this group known for being very powerful and explosive, only 110 (12%) jumped over 10 feet in the Broad Jump and only 142 (16%) jumped 36+ inches in the Vertical Jump.  These numbers are very impressive, but often the notion is almost half of power athletes are hitting these numbers, but it's just not the case.

Despite this group being known for being very strong, powerful, and explosive (really the ultimate combination of athleticism) only 34 (4%) benched 225 for 30+ reps.  I was really shocked by that number.  I understand it's a muscular endurance test, but I really expected more guys to have hit that number.

Weight and Height both correlate with 40 times.  The taller and heavier the athlete, the slower they run (on average).  With the 40 being short and mostly an acceleration, it makes sense that shorter athletes have an advantage in it.  Most short races are dominated by shorter athletes as they are built with better leverages for the stance and acceleration phases.  Usain Bolt is an anomaly from this rule, but Track and Field Coaches will tell you taller athletes struggle with the earlier stages of a race, but are built for the later stages.  The 40 doesn't allow a true sense of the later stages where top-end speed is reached. 


Two down, just one more group to go - The Bigs!  This will be the D-Line and O-Line.  This power group gives us a great perspective on just how good of athletes these guys are.  Despite being 220-250, these guys are capable of putting up some insane feats of athleticism.  So until next time, Go Get 'Em!

Like, Dislike, Agree, Disagree, WORLD CHANGING, or a big turd; whatever you feel, leave a comment below and let me know!