
Friday, February 15, 2013

NFL Combine - Inside the Numbers - Bigs

We've almost there, almost to Mt. Doom, this is the 2nd to last last step in our journey of Inside the NFL Combine!  If you missed any of the previous articles check them out

Inside the Numbers - Intro
Skills Group
Power Group

It's time to show the big boys love because you know what they say, the game is won in the trenches.
The Bigs include the Offensive and Defensive Lines.  I've separated the Defensive Ends from the Defensive Tackles and Offensive Line just because they tend to be a whole different best than the others.  So in hopes to not distort some of the info, I've made separate charts for those maniacs!

Defensive Tackles and Offensive Line

                              Weight vs. 40 Times

Under 280280-299300-319320+

                               Height vs. 40 Times

6'2 & Under6'3-6'46'5-6'66'7+

                                               Broad Jump vs. 40 Times

Under 7'67'6-7'118'0-8'58'6-8'119'0-9'69'7-9'11

                                                Vertical Jump vs. 40 Time
23 and under24-2627-2930-3233-3536+

                                                  Pro Agility vs 40 Time
4.25 and less4.26-4.494.50-4.744.75-4.995.0-5.245.25+

                                                    L-Drill vs. 40 Time
7.25 and less7.26-7.497.50-7.747.75-7.998.0-8.248.25+

                                                  Bench Reps vs. 40 Time
Under 2021-2425-2829-3233-3637+

  • 864 data points were used
  • Only 42 Benched 225 for 35+ reps
  • 75 Benched 225 for less than 20 reps
  • 3 ran under a 5.0 forty
  • Only 1 person Broad Jumped 10 feet
  • 6 Vertical Jumped 36 inches or higher

Defensive Ends

                                          Weight vs. 40 Time

250 & Under251-265266-280281-295296+
                                       Height vs. 40 Time

6'1 & Under6'2-6'36'4-6'56'6+
                                          Broad Jump vs. 40 Time

                              Vertical Jump vs. 40 Time

                                      Pro Agility vs. 40 Time

Under 4.104.10-4.294.30-4.494.50-4.694.7+
                                        L-Drill vs. 40 Time

Under 7.07.0-7.197.20-7.397.40-7.597.6+
                                              Bench Reps vs. 40 Time


  • 284 data points were used
  • Only 51 DE's ran a 5.0 or slower
  • 7 ran under a 4.60
  • 28 Benched 225 - 30 times or more; Only 1 Benched 225 - over 40 times
  • 47 Jumped over 35"; 7 Jumped over 40"
  • 47 Jumped over 10'


Weight is correlated with 40 Times.  It's hard to put on clean weight, and the heavier you get the more likely your BF% will be higher, thus slower times.

Again the Broad Jump has a stronger correlation to 40 Times than Vertical Jump.  They both have a positive correlation to 40 Times, and this information can be of great use to coaches. 

Forty-nine total guys in the Bigs category bench 225 for 35 or more reps.  With over 1,100 total data points, this means only around 4% of Bigs bench for 35+ reps.  Yet again we get this thought that if you're an interior player, you need to be putting up around 40 reps.  In fact more than double the guys have benched under 20 reps than 35 or more (119 vs. 49). 

I think the DE's are the most impressive position.  Only 51 guys ran a 5.0 or slower, and 21 of those 51 ran between 5.0-5.02!  This means just a tiny little tweak and they are under 5.0!  It's almost a prerequisite to run under a 5.0 for a DE, and even though a 5.0 forty gets the preception of being slow, in actuality that's moving!  Picture a 270lb DE running a 4.80-5.0 forty chasing after you, that's a damn scary thought! 

Both agility drills correlated very strongly with 40 times.  As agility times go down, so do the 40 times.  To have a good agility score, you must be able to accelerate and sprint fast.  No matter how good or clean you are in and out of your breaks, if you bring no speed in and out of them, it doesn't matter.   

The number of Bench Press reps again has a correlation with 40 times.  As we touched on before, this is probably more a result of indirect correlation than direct correlation.  Meaning if you're benching a lot of reps this doesn't help you run fast.  If you're benching for a lot of reps, more than likely you have good body composition (low BF%), good overall strength and power, and are in good physical condition.


Be sure the be on the look out for the final installment of NFL Combine: Inside the Numbers.  I'll give you some final thoughts on everything, cite some studies that have broken down the combine, and give some food for thought on the training implications of this info.  So until then Go Get 'Em!

Like, Dislike, Agree, Disagree, WORLD CHANGING, or a big turd; whatever you feel, leave a comment below and let me know!

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