
Sunday, February 10, 2013

NFL Combine - Inside the Numbers - Power

This is the 3rd installment of NFL Combine - Inside the Numbers, if you missed the first two check them out here, Inside the Numbers - Intro and Skills Group

This instillation covers the Power group.  The Power group consists of the Running Backs, Linebackers, and Tight Ends.  These guys are called the Power group because they tend to be a hybrid between the Skills and the Bigs.  They dip their toes in both worlds and because many called the Skill group - Speed, and the Bigs group - Strength, they get the resultant - Power.

So let's take a quick look at the Power group.

Overall Info Based Off 40 Time

40VertBroadPro AgilityL-DrillBenchHeightWeight

  Broad Jump vs. 40 Time

9'79'89'99'109'1110' 10'110'210'3


Vertical Jump vs 40 Time

Bench vs 40 Time

Bench Reps<1010-1213-1516-1819-2122-2425-2728-3031+
40 Time4.744.734.714.674.74.694.684.654.67

Some Facts
  • 891 data points were used
  • Only 34 guys in this Power group have benched for 30+ reps
  • 6 have benched <10 reps
  • Only 21 guys in this Power group have run sub 4.40 at the NFL Combine
  • 31 have run 5.0+
  • 44 guys in this Power group have jumped 40+ inches
  • 80 have jump under 30 inches
  • 625 jumped less than 10 feet
  • 110 jumped over 10 feet


Again, just like in the Skills group, the Broad Jump correlates with 40 times better than vertical jump (even if only by a small margin).

The number of Bench reps performed positively correlate with 40 times, although the difference is very small (<10 reps =  4.74 / 31+ reps = 4.67).  This really means that there is a great variance in every category, with guys running both slow and fast with good and poor benches.  What this really signifies is the athletes with higher benches probably have more relative strength than those with low benches.  It's like if someone can perform a lot of pull-ups they can probably run fast.  Not because pull-ups directly effects speed, but because being able to perform a lot of pull-ups means you probably have lower body fat levels and great relative strength.

Despite this group known for being very powerful and explosive, only 110 (12%) jumped over 10 feet in the Broad Jump and only 142 (16%) jumped 36+ inches in the Vertical Jump.  These numbers are very impressive, but often the notion is almost half of power athletes are hitting these numbers, but it's just not the case.

Despite this group being known for being very strong, powerful, and explosive (really the ultimate combination of athleticism) only 34 (4%) benched 225 for 30+ reps.  I was really shocked by that number.  I understand it's a muscular endurance test, but I really expected more guys to have hit that number.

Weight and Height both correlate with 40 times.  The taller and heavier the athlete, the slower they run (on average).  With the 40 being short and mostly an acceleration, it makes sense that shorter athletes have an advantage in it.  Most short races are dominated by shorter athletes as they are built with better leverages for the stance and acceleration phases.  Usain Bolt is an anomaly from this rule, but Track and Field Coaches will tell you taller athletes struggle with the earlier stages of a race, but are built for the later stages.  The 40 doesn't allow a true sense of the later stages where top-end speed is reached. 


Two down, just one more group to go - The Bigs!  This will be the D-Line and O-Line.  This power group gives us a great perspective on just how good of athletes these guys are.  Despite being 220-250, these guys are capable of putting up some insane feats of athleticism.  So until next time, Go Get 'Em!

Like, Dislike, Agree, Disagree, WORLD CHANGING, or a big turd; whatever you feel, leave a comment below and let me know!

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